Sunday, August 31, 2014

Crochet Bear Lovey

Crochet Bear Lovey

I decided to learn a new skill this year.  Being at the age where friends are always having babies, I wanted to learn how to make a baby gift. A good friend of mine is an awesome crocheter, and I was inspired by the fabulous hats she makes.  (Check out her stuff online - Classy Crochet).  I saw a Groupon for a beginner crocheting class that a friend of mine was also signing up for only to learn how to knit instead of crochet.  I bought my hook (5.5mm) and yarn, took two classes, watched how-to's on You Tube, bought a pattern online of a project I wanted to make and voila!  Crochet bear lovey!  I started crocheting back in February and I have made five bears in my spare time.  One each for my children, one for my niece and one for a family friend who just had a baby.  The first one I made I am keeping for myself.  It looks more like a koala than a teddy bear, but that's fine!  Since I hand make them all just using my hook and yarn, each one will be unique.  I like being able to use any color for the blanket and I use either beige or brown yarn for the bear body.  I bought the pattern from the One & Two Company online for $3.99.  Teddy Bear Security Blanket Crochet Pattern It's rated as easy, and once you get going with crocheting, it is easy, it just takes time to do.  Probably the hardest part is attaching all the parts together!  For my next project, I think I'll choose something with less parts to connect.

Bear #5. My most recent bear.  Made for the new baby boy of a friend.

The various views of the bear.

Crochet bear #4 for my niece.

Crochet bear #3 for my son.

Crochet bear #2 for my daughter.

My first crochet bear!  You can see how much I have improved!

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